It’s my birthday month, so it seems fitting to birth a brand new name for this brand new website!
The name Manasa revealed itself to me recently. My ancestry is Anglo Indian and Mannas was my Great Great Grandmother’s maiden name. In looking at the variations of the name and spelling, Manasa, jumped out at me. A quick Google search revealed Manasa, an ancient, Indian folk Goddess.
Manasa’s symbols are the snake and swan.
I’ve always had an affinity for both creatures, particularly the snake, serpent. Manasa is Queen of Snakes and helps to protect against snake bites and poisons. She is a protector of children and brings fertility and protection to those that worship her. Manasa has an affinity with water and lotus flowers. She is often pictured with a child, protected by a cobra.
The snake is a very important symbol in so many cultures. To me, snakes are transformative, healing, earthy and connected to the underworld. Our very own symbol of medicine, the caduceus, pictures two snakes wrapping round a staff.
Manasa, has come to me before. By a river… At that time the name given was Padma. I now know that Manasa and Padmavarti are names often given to the same goddess.
The Swan has always held an importance too me too, it often comes up connected with my name, Catherine. Catherine means ‘pure’ and Swan’s are often associated with purity. The Swan also represents motherhood, love, unity and lifelong devotion. They are beings of water, earth and air and hold much importance in Hindu culture.
It’s taken a very long time to find a name that fits, feels right and has some meaning to me. I’m looking forward to bringing my work out into the world.
May Manasa, the Ancestors and Spirit Guides help and guide me in this exciting new venture!

You know that the entwined nagas around the caduceus, equate to the psychic energy currents Pingala and Ida, that in Yogic lore wrap themselves around the Shusumna? And that at the top, what we might call Knef, the winged sun-disc of ancient Egypt, equates to Shahasrara, the thousand-petalled lotus signifying the highest chakra? Thousand-feathered swan wings, though… never thought of that. Anyway, Cat, good and auspicious symbols, and divine patron. Under them, may you prosper.